Sunday, March 29, 2009

Round 2...

My poor buddy! Round #2 for the ole stitches on the chin aye aye aye! I tell you what my poor little man has taken some diggers to the old noggin bless his little heart! These accidents are always so random I swear. I had him go throw away some of his garbage and he was running and turned the corner of my island in the kitchen and slipped on this cardboard thomas bingo card that was on the ground. Then came the cry... you know the cry where you know that they are really hurt and your heart jumps in your throat, that cry. So I ran over and picked him up and put him over my shoulder and when I pulled him back to look at him that's when I noticed the blood gushing and saw that it was coming from his chin. Right when I looked at it I knew it needed stitches. It was a good one, worse than the first ugh! Thank goodness daddy was home and he was able to go with me to urgent care. Auntie Krista came and stayed with Paisley. We were off to Phoenix childrens urgent care which by the way is the BEST urgent care to take little ones to because they are equipped to deal with them I have had one too many bad experiences and I wont go anywhere else! Anyway they were wonderful and sweet to Ryder. I must say Ryder never cried except for the initial fall. When it was time to numb his chin (I was dreading that) they just put this gel on it inside a big bandaid and left it there for about 30 min. and when they took it off his chin was white which meant it was numb. Pretty cool huh. Then came time to do the stitches and I was not looking foward to that part AT ALL! So we laid him down on the table and he started getting annoyed, he didnt want to lay there and he didnt want this paper bib around his chin. So I had to get his mind off of that so we started talking about Thomas and a movie that he has been fired up about called Thomas comes to breakfast, I started pretty much making up the story and his eyes were locked on mine the whole time it was so sweet! Lets just say it wasn't the best story but he LOVED it! and NO CRYING not even once I couldn't believe it! Good job buddy you did awesome you were so brave!!!
This picture looks sooo much better then it did, thank goodness. Seven stitches later and he was good to go!
This was a movie I had got for his easter basket but due to the circumstances he got it a little early :) He deserved it!!

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