Sunday, March 29, 2009

Round 2...

My poor buddy! Round #2 for the ole stitches on the chin aye aye aye! I tell you what my poor little man has taken some diggers to the old noggin bless his little heart! These accidents are always so random I swear. I had him go throw away some of his garbage and he was running and turned the corner of my island in the kitchen and slipped on this cardboard thomas bingo card that was on the ground. Then came the cry... you know the cry where you know that they are really hurt and your heart jumps in your throat, that cry. So I ran over and picked him up and put him over my shoulder and when I pulled him back to look at him that's when I noticed the blood gushing and saw that it was coming from his chin. Right when I looked at it I knew it needed stitches. It was a good one, worse than the first ugh! Thank goodness daddy was home and he was able to go with me to urgent care. Auntie Krista came and stayed with Paisley. We were off to Phoenix childrens urgent care which by the way is the BEST urgent care to take little ones to because they are equipped to deal with them I have had one too many bad experiences and I wont go anywhere else! Anyway they were wonderful and sweet to Ryder. I must say Ryder never cried except for the initial fall. When it was time to numb his chin (I was dreading that) they just put this gel on it inside a big bandaid and left it there for about 30 min. and when they took it off his chin was white which meant it was numb. Pretty cool huh. Then came time to do the stitches and I was not looking foward to that part AT ALL! So we laid him down on the table and he started getting annoyed, he didnt want to lay there and he didnt want this paper bib around his chin. So I had to get his mind off of that so we started talking about Thomas and a movie that he has been fired up about called Thomas comes to breakfast, I started pretty much making up the story and his eyes were locked on mine the whole time it was so sweet! Lets just say it wasn't the best story but he LOVED it! and NO CRYING not even once I couldn't believe it! Good job buddy you did awesome you were so brave!!!
This picture looks sooo much better then it did, thank goodness. Seven stitches later and he was good to go!
This was a movie I had got for his easter basket but due to the circumstances he got it a little early :) He deserved it!!

Plasma cars!

Maybe the BEST invention ever!!! I just wanted to share with you all what an amazing toy these plasma cars have been. I'm surprised the wheels are still on. This is by far Ryders favorite toy he calls it his "bike" and let me tell you he can go SO fast on this bad boy and he can maneuver like no other its hilarious! Not only do my kids love them but pretty much every kid that comes over thinks are great too. My mom actually bought a couple for her house for Christmas and she cant believe how much use those bad boys get! Great investment! Both of ours actually came from their Auntie Angel for 1st birthdays... SO FUN!!

Have I mentioned how funny my Ryder is?! One day (while sissy was sleepin) we were playing and for whatever reason I started singing the witch doctor song (I know random) You know the one where the chorus is... ooooh eeeh oooh ahh ahh ching chang walla walla bing bang (repeat) haha. Anyway he started laughing at me so hard and he would tell me "one last time mommy" so I'd sing it over and over again. Well now he knows it too so he goes around sometimes and sings it and he really likes when we sing it together, cheesy I know but soooo cute! This picture of him he is singing that song so I just love it!!!

Even little P is getting the hang of it! She tries so hard to be like her big brother in every way. If Ryder gets a drink she has to have a drink, if he gets his silky blankie she has to get her silky. She is sweet and she loves her bro so of course she has to ride the "bike" too!


These are part of our pretty easter sugar cookies that we made! The kids had fun and I must say they tasted pretty good! We made them a little early but thats ok... Their cousin Jaycie was off for spring break and really wanted to spend the night with her favorite little peeps so I decided to do something fun to keep them entertained :) As you may notice in these pictures Ryder is nowhere to be found because he could have cared less haha.
Jaycie is really really good with her cousins she just dotes on them and gives them whatever they want whenever they want it... CANT be good! But they love her it is sweet!

Little weasel haha! I caught her eating some of the frosting and she just laughed! I love that little sassafrass!!!

I love how she is looking at Jaycie in this picture it's pretty cute! They had lots of fun with their cousin. Thanks Jayce for coming over and keeping my sweet little munchkins entertained Love ya mwah!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

show me your cute face!

My little princess cracks me up!!! Her personality is hilarious. So awhile ago we started telling her to "show us your cute face" and this is what we got... so now it's a daily occuring thing because we love it sooo much! So maybe we are creating a monster with this because she knows she is so stinkin cute! The funny thing is now when we tell her to "show us your cute face" she will show each person individually so it usually goes a little something like this...
Mommy: Hey Paisley show me your cute face...
Paisley: shows me her cute face
Paisley: Wydo (ryder) shows him her cute face
Paisley: daddy shows him her cute face
Paisley: Oat (oakey) shows him her cute face
Pretty much whoever is around she will take it into her own hands to get their attention to show "them" her "cute face" and I must admit it is cute :) This is such a fun memory I never want to forget!!!

muy bueno weather!

This is my little fam! The loves of my life! The ones who make my world go round and make my heart go pitter pat!!! Who woulda thunk you could love someone so much!!!
This past weekend we decided to take advantage of this beautiful weather we are having before it gets too stinkin hot! So my sweet hubs and I decided to take our babes to the park for some energy burning fun! We have several great parks nearby our house that we like to go to one being pretty fancy shmancy, it's huge! Anywho we decided to load em up in the stroller and head out they played pretty hard! There is nothing sweeter than their little faces when they are getting ready to do something for the first time. Some of the slides were pretty big so I can only imagine how someone 2 feet tall must be feeling! The picture above is one of Ryder's absolute favorite things in the whole wide world: to be up on his daddy's shoulders... He always asks "daddy can I be big?" and of course Ryan can't resist because the smile on Ryders face is so proud and excited!
Ryder is trying to catch up with his sissy, daddy and Oakey... Of course with his Thomas the train paper in hand!!! I love this little guy he cracks me up! He has always been the kid that likes specific things, toys etc... For the last probably 1 1/2 he has been pretty much obsessed with Thomas the Train, I mean OBSESSED!!! He loves these papers that come with the trains, I'll take a pic and show you what they look like soon. Anyway it goes everywhere with us. It's amazing he can look at one single thing so much. We have dwindled down to about 5 of these papers and to me they all look the same but he knows which ones are which. Too funny!

Our lil miss priss going down the slide she loved it! She would finish and run right back around and do it again. She had so much fun!

She did really well. This slide seriously shot you right on your booty if you weren't careful but it only took her a couple of times and she got the hang of it. Here she was on her first victory of landing on her feet you can tell she is pretty proud!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chandler Chix playdate...

These were my bff's growing up, all through high school we would terrorize different boys from different schools. We had boys anywhere from Mt. View to Corona to Westwood you name it we had a group from there. One thing we never lacked in was having fun!!! We had sooooo many fun times we really did. I really miss those days!
This is Kates and her newest addition Nash isn't he adorable.

These 3 are Mindys little ones sooo cute too! We really did do a good job on creating some cute babys that's for sure!

So I was so impressed with this tree house that debs dad made. Isn't it absolutely amazing?! I thought so! I was so impressed I couldn't quit taking pictures of it, when I saw it my wheels started turning on what trees at my parents house we could create something like this. Apparently the trees were dying so he thought up this awesome playhouse/fort for his grandkids. What a great idea! I dont know if you can see but he has all of the grandkids names carved on the front of it. So awesome! Well debs thanks so much for inviting us we had so much fun! What a great idea it's always fun getting together with everyone especially because it's always the same. Love you girls mwah!!!

poor dog...

Our dog Oakey may be the BEST dog EVER!!! I must say even though he thrashes my wood floors I do love the dog. He is such a sweet sweet dog. Poor thing kids just love him even before we had our own kiddos everyone elses kids would love on him. The only rule I have is NO RIDING!!! Which I have caught many kids many of times trying to ride him like a horse I know its tempting but NO NO and NO!!!
This is an exception to the rule... A, he's laying down and B, paisleys maybe 20lbs. But this is him look at his face he just tolerates them. He is such a great dog! I truly believe that certain breeds of dogs just have amazing demeanors Labs being one of them. I came in the living room and this is what I found, a full blown tea party on oakeys side while he is just passed out. Too cute! Even though he's a pain sometimes I love my dog he doesn't mean to be big and messy haha.


Ryder's a pretty lucky little boy... For his 3rd birthday Uncle Jimmy, Auntie Angel, and his cousins Kenzie and Hunter surprised him with this cute littl quad (riding gear and everything) one thing you should know about his Auntie is she goes BIG or goes home. She always gets the best gifts. Santa brought kenzie and hunter dirt bikes for Christmas this year because they were getting a little big for their quads. We had talked about letting Ryder try the quad to see if he liked it but we just never got around to it. So when they gave it to him for his birthday we were so surprised! He loves it! Thank you Castines for the great birthday present you guys are awesome!!!
I love this picture he looks so stinkin cute! I had the privelage of letting him take me for the first ride and lets just say WHIPLASH! I never thought that such a little quad would have so much giddyup, well it did! We ride around our neighborhood but it would be fun to go out with his cousins soon while the weather is so nice.

Ryder and daddy going for a ride. They are little buddies it's too cute!!!

Big boy!!! He's a ways off from riding it by himself I would be an absolute nervous wreck! Unless you can put the govern down to like 3 mph haha.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

1...2... BLAST OFF!!!!

I bet Uncle Matt was sorry he introduced Ryder to 1...2... Blast off! Ryder made him throw him up in the air probably 30 times and he LOVED every minute of it! Uncle Matt is really good with both Ryder and Paisley!
Ryders face would crack me up! He would freak out a little bit everytime but still wanted to do it over and over again!
I must admit at some points he was catching some serious air! It was making me kinda nervous, I kept telling matt to please be careful!!!
My bro is great and the kids love him! We are lucky to have him be such a big part of our lives! He graduates in the next month from school! What an accomplishment! I am so proud of him, he has been working so hard plus working a full time job that he just got promoted to a fancy new position. Keep up the hard work uncle matt, It has all been worth it!!! Look at ya now!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


For those of you who have been around me the last few weeks you have probably heard me talk about the "heart babies". Well about a month ago I was on good ole facebook and I found out about "baby Jake" this precious sweet baby who suffered from a heart condition called HLHS which is when you are born with 1/2 a heart. I was immediately glued to his mothers blog and followed his progress daily sometimes twice a day. I couldn't believe how hard this hit me. My heart broke for this family who had to go through this pain and agony wondering if their sweet precious baby was going to make it. Well unfortunately he did not. I was literally SOBBING when reading his blog I cant even imagine what this family is dealing with right now. I have now found other babies through her blog that are going through the same agony that this family is going through. I cant help but needing to know what happens to these babies. Everyone asks me why I torture myself in reading these sad blogs? My answer.... It makes me thankful, thankful that I have my two precious healthy perfect babies! I think at some point we all take advantage of that. We all remember that exciting ultrasound where they check the sex and the "four chambers of the heart" which all 4 are all supposed to be there right?... I have been trying to cherish those little things about my babies that maybe (not intentionally) I take for granted. I think of what those moms would give to get up with their babies in the middle of the night no matter how tired and worn out they are, or changing another dirty diaper, or feeding them. My list goes on and on. This mother and her story was so moving that I think I will forever be changed in a good way. Her Love, Strength and especially faith is absolutely amazing, she is one strong woman who I dont even know but respect more than I can say. My goal is to complain less and be the best mom I can be. I love my family more than I can ever express. I am so blessed and I need to not forget that.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lil' Lilly

This is our friend Laura's puppy (the one that makes all of the fabulous cakes) It is a Chiweanie yes a chiuahua and weanie dog mixed, sooo funny! Anyway Ryder LOVES dogs. He is used to our 100lb lab Oakey who is a wonderful dog but BIG! So when he saw this little puppy named lilly he just loved her and the best part was he got to hold her.. Thank you Laura you made his day!!!
He was just eating up the lovin' lilly was giving it was too cute!!! She was so great with the kids and let them haul her around in probably not the most comfortable positions...

Here is little miss Paisley given some loves to her, she was a fan as well!

Ryder, when he just found out he was allowed to hold her. This is his embarrased proud look that he has just recently started doing. He is so proud!!!

Okay so this picture melts my heart!!! Poor Lilly was so tired by the end of the night that she just couldn't stay awake anymore. She nuzzled into my dads neck in Ryders arm and then as you can see Ryder nestled in on her. Too cute!!! This really actually makes me want a little dog! They are so sweet and little and this dog does NOT shed!!! Who knows maybe santa will bring ryder and paisley one next christmas ha ha but we wont hold our breath...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ain't no thing like a chicken wing

I can be a pretty nervous nelly with certain things when it comes to my kiddos. First Im a complete germafobe! If your kids are sick or have even been sick within the last week stay far away. When I get a shopping cart I wipe it down with my clorox wipes that I keep in my car at all times (and i dont care what people think ha). There are many more random hangups I have that I wont go into (like choking on food). So when paisley decided she wanted a chicken wing I was a nervous wreck that she was going to choke but she was so proud that she was in control of this wing, she loved it! I was right by her making sure she didn't choke and then I eventually took it because I couldn't handle it anymore. I love her face in this picture she makes my heart go pitter patter she is precious!
Think she likes it?

I liked how her foot was kicked up in this one...

Random post I know but I loved her in some of these pictures her facial expressions crack me up. This little girl melts my heart!

Paisleys papa

This little girl has her papa wrapped around her lil finger! He is funny to watch when miss paisley comes around. He is so proud because she loves her papa! She is pretty charming and sweet when she wants to be but even when she's her sassy frass self he doesn't care. I just thought these pictures were so cute!!! This is totally how he always is with her, so fun...

I just think it's cute the way he looks at her. Lil stinker can do NO wrong in papas eyes let me tell you.

Happy birthday Mimi!!!

I love my family we are such dorks. Take note that there are no candles on my moms birthday cake just the good ole lighter. That's how we roll haha! Happy birthday mom hope it was a good one! Mwah!
Ryders Mimi! Oh my my does this little boy ever love his mimi it is pretty cute. He thinks she is the greatest! If I ask him what he wants to do for the day he will without a doubt tell me "how bout we go to mimi's house" in this fired up convincing voice like "come on wont that be fun". They have a special relationship she has always been a huge part of his life and we are thankful to have a mimi like her!

Just playin at mimis house on her birthday!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can you say "redneck"

Okay so if you all know my hubby then you know he's obsessed with hunting. I think that may be all he thinks about. It doesn't really matter what kind it is. He LOVES it!!! A couple of weeks ago we made a trip to Cabelas (its kinda like a mall for men). I really dont mind going they have really cool mounts and set ups and the kids enjoy going its like a zoo but the animals are not alive ha. For my husband it was like Christmas he had some gift cards and that meant money to burn. One of the things he bought he had been fired up about getting for awhile now. It was a "game cam" and what that is, is a camera that you put out in the woods mounted to a tree maybe in an area where you think there may be deer (elk, javelina, mtn lion or any other living creature). It has a motion sensor that captures pictures of these animals if they walk in front of it. So of course they have to test this bad boy out right? This is where Uncle Matt (in the picture)comes in. They decided to set up the camera and when my bro came around the corner he looked like this. We were laughing pretty hard what a DORK!!! They did this for about an hour and then they would watch it on the TV to see the results of their pictures. Aye aye aye this is what I have to put up with. They crack me up!

a couple more cute ones..

I thought his face was so dang cute in this picture... He was so motivated to get those candles blown out!
Iggy the clown painted a fancy blue train on Ry's face. He was pretty proud!