Saturday, December 26, 2009

Schnepft farms

I Love Schneft farms!!! Ive gone for the past 4 years:) Ryder was only 8 mos. but its for the atmosphere! The kids LOVE IT! I mean just look at Paisleys face hahaha! I took my neice and nephew and my two little munchkins and they had a blast! Ryder has turned into such a big boy I cant believe it!!! P liked it too towards the end...

Ryder loves his cousin hunter. These were the swings that I said NO way on but he was dead set on going on them so I gave in and was COMPLETELY freaked out and to my surprise he absolutely loved it:) There is nothing better than seeing your kids having tons of fun.

We definitely made our rounds! We rode all the rides a few times each. BTW did I mention I took these four kiddos by myself? crazy huh? But... I didnt care it was easy and fun! I had an older kid to ride with my little ones it worked out perfect:)

LET ME EXPLAIN..... HA! This is why I was so hesitant on the swings! Ryder since last year insisted that he ride the roller coaster, I of course told him he was too little. So this year rolls around and he was DEAD set so I talked to the teeny bopper operating this thing and he said he was big enough so I loaded him on there and let em rip! The first round he was o..k.. but by the 2nd time this is what I saw... FULL. BLOWN. HYSTERICS! Poor lil guy! They stopped the ride shortly after, thank goodness! He told me that he didnt wanna ride the roller coaster anymore haha!

The troops!!! One last thing we went on a thurs night which was my 1st time doing that and it was awesome!!! There were NO lines and not so crowded, also QC residents get tickets for 1/2 off! So fun!!!Of course I will go again next year and the next and the next :)! My kids will finally have to say "mom, Im 26 I dont want to go to schnepft farms anymore" haha!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

halloween festivities part 2

We had lots of fun getting in the spirit of Halloween. Here are my favorite kiddos in the bath after a rough night of playing and decorating halloween sugar cookies mmm!

Cute little man!

So serious miss P.
I love little C's smile here. These girls are my fave! I just love them! We have had lots of good times with these little munchkins... My kids adore them too!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

October festivities...

When October rolls around every year I get really into the holiday spirit! I cant help it I LOOOVVEE this time of year more than anything!! LIKE LOVE:) So much that I put my tree up before Halloween... yes, you read that right haha! I justify it by saying that you put so much time and effort into decorating for the holidays that I want to enjoy it... and I do:) Carving pumpkins with great friends was the start of Halloween festivities and we had lots of fun. The guys took their carving skills very serious haha! Good work!

My little paisley and missy C. One of P's favorite peeps, she truly adores this family, too cute!
I will say they're my faves too. These girls make me smile they are completely opposite from eachother not only in looks but in their personalities as well. I just love them!! P.S. not pictured is their sweetest little munchkin bro E who everytime I see I want to eat up. He is the happiest little man and he thinks Im funny need I say more? ha

Ryder observing trying to figure this whole thing out he eventually got into digging out the pumpkin.. We had a good time spending time with our friends and doing fun activities with the kids... like always!

worst blogger eva!! and some soccer

Wow! It's been awhile ha! When I first started this blogging journey I thought I did so good keeping our lives updated in hopes to one day turn this into a neat book of memories for us to have and look back on one day. Now I'm a big fat slacker:( My goal is to post atleast once a week from now on. Hopefully I can stick to that and do better... I posted awhile ago about soccer but never posted any pictures so here they are.

I will say that in the beginning he did a really good job (at practices:) the games were a different story. Unfortunately by the end of this soccer journey it had become quite a chore. He didn't really enjoy it which in turn meant neither did I.

I love this picture how he's stretching like a big boy, too cute!

Here's a little taste of what the games were like... this was the first game haha! Grass anyone? No joke this was smack dab in the middle of the game:)

This was Ryder in action, one of the very few times he showed any interest in the ball whatsoever and yes I was the crazy parent yelling on the sidelines... constantly! Im not going to lie I was a little relieved for the season to come to an end:( I'm going to go with in Ryder's case that 1)He's only 3 and 2) soccer's not his thing, which is ok because it was never mine either:) Next year maybe t-ball??? ha!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

labor day pics

We had just stopped to grill and play from our rhino ride. We went on a long ride and then stopped out in the middle of nowhere and grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and let the kids play it was a lot of fun. The guys hung out in there area,, the girls had theirs and the kids were all off playing. Paisley had just woken up and had to go pee so daddy took her and well she's not ryder so its a lot more tricky to say the least. Long story short when she i guess squatted she peed on her pants. Oopsy! Luckily we had a random diaper in the rhino glove box so we were saved:)
My sweet girl in her rainboots. She's the cutest little camper I've ever seen...



POW! haha! Need I say more? Matt and his modeling poses, ahh geez!

The girls! I love how little Tatum snuck in the picture haha! We had such a great time together. I love to go camping!

Ryder glassing for some deer:) Way to make daddy proud, he loved the conoculars (binoculars) Even though he was looking through them backwards, haha! I was a little nervous these things aren't cheap! eek

Getting ready to go on the much awaited Rhino ride. They were ready to rock! It was pretty dusty so it required a little eye protection.

P strapped into the infant carrier haha! This thing actually works great! I dont like to use our nice carseats because they get so dirty (muddy). It still totally serves its purpose for safety and she's snug as a bug!

Ready to rock with her goggles haha! She fell asleep shortly after and I just shoved blankets on the sides of her head so she didnt get whiplash! It was perfect:)

Auntie Krista (BC) and the du-rags haha. Dorks!
The boys.... Ryder, Waylon, and Kooper. They are so cute! Ryder loves those boys and still talks about them. They had a lot of fun together just getting dirty and being boys...

playin at home :)

Ryder has been really into building forts lately and it's really cute! I remember loving to do that when I was little too. He is getting so big:( I cant believe some of the things he says. Since being in school he really has learned SOO much! He really loves to go and likes all of his new friends in class... Today he told me to "thanks for honoring my words mom" haha. That is what his teacher tells the kids in school.

Ryder thought that oakey needed his silkies. He was so cute. He loves his dog, he formerly introduces him to everyone that comes over. Even if they've met him 50 times before:)

What can I say he found his sisters 1st birthday hat. Haha it will be good blackmail one day. I thought he looked so cute in it:)
Well we have been pretty busy but enjoying it. I have just finished my first 4 week bootcamp session and I am looking foward to starting my new one in 2 weeks, I CANT WAIT!!! I love it so much and I am totally addicted:) I cant believe it has taken me so long to get back into working out. I never realized I missed it so much.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Where have I been I know? Ha... Im actually quite surprised of the grief I get for not updating this thing more! I always have things I'd like to post it just seems to take so much time uploading the pics and then by the time I blog my average of 4 posts I have been at the computer for 2 hours ahh oh well! I will try and do better... So what have we been up to? Well we went on a fabulous camping trip for Labor Day and we had SOO much fun! I didnt want to come home! I will post those pics soon... We went on Rhino rides which consists of long rides, picnics and lots of chatting with good friends you cant beat it, it's right up my alley :) At point I looked and we had 5 rhinos and a quad we looked like were in a club haha! Anyway it was lots of fun!!! We were actually very hesitant on going because the weather forecast was not in our favor. It is NO fun to go camping in the mud and muck with small children that are stuck in the trailer. Thankfully we had some rain on saturday but the weekend turned out to be BEAUTIFUL! My hubby said on the way home that he would have been mad if we didn't go just to find out what a beautiful weekend it turned out to be. So that was that...

We have been super busy lately, I am literally running constantly! Everyday of the week I have something... Tuesdays being my busiest, my day starts off at leaving my house at 7am starting with preschool, then dance, then back to preschool, then to swim then home and then soccer. Sounds exhausting just typing it lol!! I plan on trying to switch swim eventually to another day but as if I didnt have enough going mama decided that I needed to join a boot camp which YES!!! has completely and utterly KICKED MY A!@ whew! I seriously have not felt that kinda pain since my college volleyball days that consisted of 3 a day practices!!! OUCH! No joke the day after my 1st workout I almost had to laugh at certain times because if I didn't I would have cried ha! Hopefully when it's all said and done I will be able to crush walnuts in booty... we will see I will let you know haha! Funny thing he took our body fat the other day and after it I said Im just so excited to tone up and he said "you dont want to tone you want to add muscle" huh? Im confused isnt that what toning is? Whatever I didnt argue! One more thing Ryder started soccer a couple of weeks ago hahaha! Oh boy! His first practice he did okay. We had this pep talk to listen to coach jeff and try really hard. I have to remember he's only 3. Second practice okay other than 10 min into it he decided it was hot and that he needed a break and a drink... huh? I was like you get your little tushy back over to coach until he says you can have a break ahhh oh boy! So lastly this past Sat. he had his first game... Smart mom thought it was at 10:30 well it wasnt it was at 10!!! OOPS! I HATE being late, like I get anxiety! Then I couldn't find the place uggh! Finally we in a panic got there (ryder having NO idea what was going on) and I ran with Ryder to the field I saw his coach and I asked him where he wanted him he said right here (which was on the field) So I plopped him down and I said " alright buddy go kick the ball" he looked really thrilled let me tell you! It was no more exciting than when you have to go get shots at the doctors. He literally stood there with his hand shyly rubbing his eye. I was really frustrated! I am EXTREMELY competitive like SUPER, over the top! So it was hard for me to watch I understand he's 3! I also take into account him literally being plopped into the middle of the field with honestly 0 clue of what was going on! We will just practice practice practice! It was kinda funny! Im glad he got on the field and at some points attempted it. One last thing God bless his coach! Seriously! Pictures soon to come.... Sorry for the long rambles

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So we survived the first week of preschool yipee and after tomorrow we will have conquered the 2nd :) All of my worries were definitely put to rest after the 1st day! Last thursday when I went to pick Ryder up he was just finishing up his adorable craft. Unfortunately once he saw mama he was checked out! You could see the relief in his face haha! Not for me but because since the night before we went through all of the events that were going to happen that day. I think I told him about 20 times (he asked me to tell him ha) The one that he was the most excited about was that I was going to pick him up and take him to my work where mimi will meet us there and then take them back to her house :). Mimi to ryder is equivalent to the park a big huge park with slides and swings and a playhouse haha. He ABSOLUTELY adores her. He will throw me under the bus anytime, little stinker! Anyway so once I walked into the room he said "lets go see miiiimmmiii" and I said well wait we have to finish up. He was done and I was a HUGE disruption! oopsy! So needless to say the last 10min he was naughty rolling on the floor and I was humiliated because my kid was doing what "my kid will never do" thing. His teachers are absolutely fabulous seriously we are soooo lucky. Their patience is inspiring, so Mrs. W is talking so very calmly to R and encouraging him to make good choices and that she understood how bad he wanted to go but that he had to finish up and then he may go. During that time R DID do a foward roll Im not going to lie I was looking around for the nearest shovel to dig myself a hole to crawl into... She still just kept her cool beyond belief. I on the other hand was mortified. He did eventually start to listen and follow the directions and finish up what he was supposed to be doing. I told them I was SO sorry for disrupting and that from now on I will NOT come in until the very end :) I picked him up on tuesday and they said he had a fabulous day and that he makes them laugh often... ahhhh! Now thats more like my Ryder:) I have just realized that I cant go into his room, atleast not until he understands that when I get there doesn't mean that he can stop whatever he is doing! This is truly the best thing for our little man I am so excited! So far I ABSOLUTELY adore this little preschool. I could not have done better in picking what was best for R. The class size is SO small and there are two FABULOUS teachers yay!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Well today was the day! The day my precious sweet boy started preschool. Im not going to lie the past few days leading up to this were filled with guilt, regret and questioning if We were making the right decision. My hubs and I had really been talking it up telling Ryder that it was going to be so much fun. We told him how wonderful his teachers were going to be and how he was going to meet fun new friends and he was excited! Last week I was really doubtful and then I went to a couple of orientations that they had, one for the kids and then one for parents. When we walked into ryders orientation his teachers were just shy of putting him up on their shoulders chanting his name with cheers. It really was so wonderful how welcome and special they made him feel :) When I left there I was so excited and so was he. We would talk about Mrs. W. and he would get excited. Then we had the parents orientation and can I just say that these women are serioulsy some of the sweetest most amazing women. I gathered this in a little over an hour. Fighting back tears every so often because they made me feel so warm and fuzzy :) Im kinda serious! These people are FABULOUS!!! They talk with such sweet assuring voices and you can just tell that they LOOOVE what they do!

So today was the day!! I set my alarm because we have to be there at 7:45 ya know! uggh! But I will say it was not bad at all, shockingly! I woke the kids up and Ryan stayed home so he could go with us to the first day, so sweet! He's a busy guy.. Anyway I tried to give them some time to wake up so they didn't feel rushed. I had packed Ry's lunch the night before and laid out everyone's clothes so that would be one less thing I was rushing around trying to do. It worked out super well!!! This is Ryder (above) in the carseat.. When we pulled up he had a huge smile and told me "mama, I'm excited!!" Oh how that made me happy to hear. Weird enough I was finding myself a little excited too!

We got out of the car and I handed him his sweet little spiderman lunch box. I wanted to get a quick picture of him on this bench I saw (nerd I know) but all the sudden he started getting upset and crying. So Ryan and I were both asking him what was wrong and he said that he needed his mama, awww! So I got down by him and I asked what was wrong and why he was crying and he told me he WANTED to go to school! Woohoo! You see we walking the opposite direction of the school to try and get this picture and he got upset. So cute! I was so happy he wasn't crying because he didn't want to go! Phew!

See the bench in the background? Well I gave up haha! Here he is trying to recooperate from his thinking he wasn't going to school trama haha!
This is the fabulous MRS. W I dont know her well but from what I have gathered so far man oh man she is one neat woman! She has been a teacher forever and you can tell she just loves it! She has written books and also written in chicken soup for the teachers soul book. This is her passion and she is so talented how lucky are we??
This is when we just had gotten there and Ryder walked right in and sat by her. She really has such a way of making the kids feel special and comfortable! She talks to them, asks them questions and really cares about what they have to say.

This is Ryder's "official teacher" Ms. W isn't she so stinkin cute? I dont know is she has a boyfriend but if not I wish I had a little hottie to hook her up with haha! This is one of Mrs. W's daughters. There is another one also but I dont have a picture of her... yet. They are such a neat family. All of them teachers and they all absolutely love it! This is their 2nd year that they have done this preschool and they are doing great and growing. I have a feeling we may be here a couple more years :)

I had just gotten there to pick Ryder back up and here is my HAPPY boy wearing his paper plate hat with a cut out star ( so adorable) How cute! I really had such a great feeling after dropping him off today. I wont lie I cried for about 15seconds after Ms. W gave me a note telling me that she is going to love my child so much while I am gone! I got a little upset but I knew he was in good hands!
Heaven! This was Ryders 1st day of school treat! R had a lot of fun today on his first day. He looked SO happy when I came back to pick him up, YEAH!!! I feel 100% better about my little man going to preschool! He is going to LOVE IT!!! I will say I think we have made a great decision about this one. Praise the Lord. I think my doubts were common fears that every parent feels at some point! One more thing. It went by pretty fast! I dropped him off went and cleaned my salon took P to dance and then it was time to come back and pick my boy up! Only with about 20 min. to spare. Perfecto!
Funny story: So when we were driving away in the car I was asking him questions about his day... I said did you get to play outside and he said "yes" then he proceeded to tell me that he put sand on luke! I said "excuse me? " I didn't want to yell at him because I want him to always tell me the truth even though I instantly got a little mad because HE KNOWS BETTER!!! I said R why would you do that? And he said that he was so sorry! I asked if he told luke he was sorry and he said yes. Then I calmingly told him that pouring sand on someone is in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM OK!!! I asked him how he would feel if someone did that to him, I told him he has to be a nice friend or he wont have any blah blah blah!!! The funny part was that he totally told on himself! He truly is not a mean kid, im not sure what compelled him to do that. Frustrating because he knows thats not ok.. So we will add that to our speech before school everytime he goes! IY YI YI!!!

What a mess!

I'm not quite sure how she managed to cover herself to this extent. It did not even require a wipe down I had to give her a full blown shower! Look at her hair, it was even all over her legs. I started laughing so hard and then of course I had to grab my camera. She thought she was pretty funny too! Ahhh the daily life of a 2 year old. I miss those days haha!
Sassiness and all I love this little gal to pieces she truly is the best!!!

Camping :)

Another camping trip? Yep! but this was a little different because we had finally had the chance to take out our new trailer we had just recently bought! I was SOO excited to use it finally! It was P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!!! Nice and cozy, clean, comfortable, and roomy. Not to mention showers :) I know I know not real camping but when it comes to having small children this is the way to go! It was a blast!!! This was Ryders little buddy hunter, it is so fun to see R playing with new friends he really had a great time with him :) These goof balls sitting in the buckets they thought they were really funny!

This was Paisley's friend elise, they are 5 days apart and her mom and I had the same due date. They weren't really that interested in each other they are still a little young :) I know in the future they will really like each other :)

The picture above makes me laugh! I love how R's chest is bowed out, haha! Hunter found a way to his heart with racing, it is his favorite thing to play. He always wants to race! Or be chased either or are so much fun to him!Paisley wanted to get in on the action too! I like how she joined in!
Ryder making sure his sister isn't getting too close. He was very concerned where she was, look at his smile probably saying "haha I totally dusted her"
The dirtier these 4 got the better! They were cracking me up! By the end it looked like we had wet them down and then rolled them in powder dirt! We didn't care getting dirty and having a blast is what camping is all about!

My silly boy!

The kids had such a great time getting dirty and playing that we ended up just staying until about 8pm it was so nice. We were in NO hurry to get back to this heat! We went on a rhino ride later, made dinner, and then showered and headed down the mountain :) The kids slept the whole way home and life was good! Camping in seriously one of my favorite things to do! I love it!My versatile little girl! Haha! She likes to wear girly fun and cute things but she is also not afraid to get dirty. Just how she should be haha! I cant have a prissy pants on my hands :)

Thanks to our friends in flagstaff for a great weekend :) Ryan went to college at NAU where he had met the families that we went camping with. They are such SWEET people. We dont get to see them that often but when we do it is always a good time. I look foward to many more camping trips together....