I Love Schneft farms!!! Ive gone for the past 4 years:) Ryder was only 8 mos. but its for the atmosphere! The kids LOVE IT! I mean just look at Paisleys face hahaha! I took my neice and nephew and my two little munchkins and they had a blast! Ryder has turned into such a big boy I cant believe it!!! P liked it too towards the end...
Ryder loves his cousin hunter. These were the swings that I said NO way on but he was dead set on going on them so I gave in and was COMPLETELY freaked out and to my surprise he absolutely loved it:) There is nothing better than seeing your kids having tons of fun.
LET ME EXPLAIN..... HA! This is why I was so hesitant on the swings! Ryder since last year insisted that he ride the roller coaster, I of course told him he was too little. So this year rolls around and he was DEAD set so I talked to the teeny bopper operating this thing and he said he was big enough so I loaded him on there and let em rip! The first round he was o..k.. but by the 2nd time this is what I saw... FULL. BLOWN. HYSTERICS! Poor lil guy! They stopped the ride shortly after, thank goodness! He told me that he didnt wanna ride the roller coaster anymore haha!
The troops!!! One last thing we went on a thurs night which was my 1st time doing that and it was awesome!!! There were NO lines and not so crowded, also QC residents get tickets for 1/2 off! So fun!!!
Hey lady!! I'm sorry to say that I'm cracking up at Ryder's face on the roller coaster. Cooper was the EXACT same way this year. This is the first year he wanted to ride it. The beginning was okay, but by the time the 2nd loop came around I saw sheer TERROR on his face and I couldn't stop laughing. I know... Mean mom huh?