Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4 months

This picture was taken with my phone so its a little grainy. Our little Harper Grace continues to be one sweet girl. She really has worked out a lot of her kinks and is a complete joy to be around. She LOVES her big sister and she is super flirty with daddy too. She thinks ryder is pretty neat too but he hardly even acknowledges her so she just smiles at him when he talks but he doesnt talk to her. He was the same way when paisley was a baby. He acts like babies are foreign objects. haha. Anyway She really has gotten so much easier. Mama cracked down and put the babes through baby bootcamp aka please sleep through the night camp:-) I actually wasn't in a big hurry until after she got sick:-(

It was awful:-( check her out! She was such a sick baby bless her heart! Paisley had gotten pretty sick and as hard as I try to keep her out of her face it happened! Boo hoo! She ended up with RSV theres an actual test they do to diagnose it... I had no idea... hmm! It did me no good knowing that she had RSV bc they did nothing for her. I actually asked if I could atleast give her breathing treatments and the dr said "oh ya you could do that" huh? So we did and they really helped. She could hardly breath and she had a HORRIFIC cough that she could hardly catch her breath which was extremely scary! Then of course the standard ear infection came with all the congestion that she had ugh! I was soooo happy to get her feeling better. After she was all better was when I did the ole bootcamp;-) Girlfriend was persistent. There really is NOTHING worse than listening to your baby cry but the end result is beautiful. She goes down so easy and always has it is wonderful. I was more just breaking her from her feedings through the night. I still hear her every now and again usually when she gets stuck on her stomach since she is now rolling over:-( She goes down about 7 has a bottle around 5 and then usually sleeps for a few more hours! I'll take it! It's nice to have a predictable bed time. Things are going good!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

haha! 3 months

Yep this is almost two months behind! mmm hmm! I wont even make up an excuse because they are all the same... time! Anyway life has been busy busy but great! This little suga buga continues to melt our hearts! I seriously want to eat her up! Even though I havent posted in awhile I still do her photo shoot every month on the 29th! ;-) I just love these stickers they are such a cute way to document the changes that happen month to month!

Love the spit up! You should see these photo shoots! Im such a spaz... She is super smiley and then I put the camera up to my face and she instantly stops.. STANDARD! ha

To say that this little girl makes me happy is an understatement! I am enjoying her beyond words. I LOVE this little lassy!

The rest of my cute little fam is doing great! R has been doing a little sports class and it has been really cute. R is not much of a fireball when it comes to athletics he really could just take it or leave it. However give him a dictionary or encyclopedia and he will read it to you Im not kidding he's crazy ha! He really is doing a great job in the class, they just started basketball this week and the weeks prior were soccer, then t ball and now basketball. Im proud of my little guy:-) P is doing great! She is stinkin hilarious! That little girl makes me laugh... a lot!!! Oh, and pull my hair out haha! She has a super cute and funny personality and often talks like shes 15.. whats up with that? She still dances and swims and has 1 day of preschool. Ryder also swims, has preschool 3 days a week and sports class 2x a week. Harper... bless her she just gets drug along. She has the 3rd child syndrom haha. Thank goodness she has turned into being such a great and easy baby. Im pretty sure 4 months is the magic # more on that when I post her 4 month... in another 2 months ;-) No, I will do it very soon. Ryan is busy but doing great. He continues to be one amazing daddy and those little munckins ADORE their daddy. I think he's pretty great myself. That shall do it for now. I promise for an update soon.