Sunday, September 13, 2009


Where have I been I know? Ha... Im actually quite surprised of the grief I get for not updating this thing more! I always have things I'd like to post it just seems to take so much time uploading the pics and then by the time I blog my average of 4 posts I have been at the computer for 2 hours ahh oh well! I will try and do better... So what have we been up to? Well we went on a fabulous camping trip for Labor Day and we had SOO much fun! I didnt want to come home! I will post those pics soon... We went on Rhino rides which consists of long rides, picnics and lots of chatting with good friends you cant beat it, it's right up my alley :) At point I looked and we had 5 rhinos and a quad we looked like were in a club haha! Anyway it was lots of fun!!! We were actually very hesitant on going because the weather forecast was not in our favor. It is NO fun to go camping in the mud and muck with small children that are stuck in the trailer. Thankfully we had some rain on saturday but the weekend turned out to be BEAUTIFUL! My hubby said on the way home that he would have been mad if we didn't go just to find out what a beautiful weekend it turned out to be. So that was that...

We have been super busy lately, I am literally running constantly! Everyday of the week I have something... Tuesdays being my busiest, my day starts off at leaving my house at 7am starting with preschool, then dance, then back to preschool, then to swim then home and then soccer. Sounds exhausting just typing it lol!! I plan on trying to switch swim eventually to another day but as if I didnt have enough going mama decided that I needed to join a boot camp which YES!!! has completely and utterly KICKED MY A!@ whew! I seriously have not felt that kinda pain since my college volleyball days that consisted of 3 a day practices!!! OUCH! No joke the day after my 1st workout I almost had to laugh at certain times because if I didn't I would have cried ha! Hopefully when it's all said and done I will be able to crush walnuts in booty... we will see I will let you know haha! Funny thing he took our body fat the other day and after it I said Im just so excited to tone up and he said "you dont want to tone you want to add muscle" huh? Im confused isnt that what toning is? Whatever I didnt argue! One more thing Ryder started soccer a couple of weeks ago hahaha! Oh boy! His first practice he did okay. We had this pep talk to listen to coach jeff and try really hard. I have to remember he's only 3. Second practice okay other than 10 min into it he decided it was hot and that he needed a break and a drink... huh? I was like you get your little tushy back over to coach until he says you can have a break ahhh oh boy! So lastly this past Sat. he had his first game... Smart mom thought it was at 10:30 well it wasnt it was at 10!!! OOPS! I HATE being late, like I get anxiety! Then I couldn't find the place uggh! Finally we in a panic got there (ryder having NO idea what was going on) and I ran with Ryder to the field I saw his coach and I asked him where he wanted him he said right here (which was on the field) So I plopped him down and I said " alright buddy go kick the ball" he looked really thrilled let me tell you! It was no more exciting than when you have to go get shots at the doctors. He literally stood there with his hand shyly rubbing his eye. I was really frustrated! I am EXTREMELY competitive like SUPER, over the top! So it was hard for me to watch I understand he's 3! I also take into account him literally being plopped into the middle of the field with honestly 0 clue of what was going on! We will just practice practice practice! It was kinda funny! Im glad he got on the field and at some points attempted it. One last thing God bless his coach! Seriously! Pictures soon to come.... Sorry for the long rambles

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