Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So we survived the first week of preschool yipee and after tomorrow we will have conquered the 2nd :) All of my worries were definitely put to rest after the 1st day! Last thursday when I went to pick Ryder up he was just finishing up his adorable craft. Unfortunately once he saw mama he was checked out! You could see the relief in his face haha! Not for me but because since the night before we went through all of the events that were going to happen that day. I think I told him about 20 times (he asked me to tell him ha) The one that he was the most excited about was that I was going to pick him up and take him to my work where mimi will meet us there and then take them back to her house :). Mimi to ryder is equivalent to the park a big huge park with slides and swings and a playhouse haha. He ABSOLUTELY adores her. He will throw me under the bus anytime, little stinker! Anyway so once I walked into the room he said "lets go see miiiimmmiii" and I said well wait we have to finish up. He was done and I was a HUGE disruption! oopsy! So needless to say the last 10min he was naughty rolling on the floor and I was humiliated because my kid was doing what "my kid will never do" thing. His teachers are absolutely fabulous seriously we are soooo lucky. Their patience is inspiring, so Mrs. W is talking so very calmly to R and encouraging him to make good choices and that she understood how bad he wanted to go but that he had to finish up and then he may go. During that time R DID do a foward roll Im not going to lie I was looking around for the nearest shovel to dig myself a hole to crawl into... She still just kept her cool beyond belief. I on the other hand was mortified. He did eventually start to listen and follow the directions and finish up what he was supposed to be doing. I told them I was SO sorry for disrupting and that from now on I will NOT come in until the very end :) I picked him up on tuesday and they said he had a fabulous day and that he makes them laugh often... ahhhh! Now thats more like my Ryder:) I have just realized that I cant go into his room, atleast not until he understands that when I get there doesn't mean that he can stop whatever he is doing! This is truly the best thing for our little man I am so excited! So far I ABSOLUTELY adore this little preschool. I could not have done better in picking what was best for R. The class size is SO small and there are two FABULOUS teachers yay!!!

1 comment:

  1. Julie loved reading your was the first time!! Miss you! Your two little ones are adorable. They are lucky to have you as their mommy!
