Friday, August 7, 2009


Um so the storm we had a couple of weeks ago was BRUTAL!!! I couldn't believe it! Paisley and I were outside when I looked over to the west of us to see a huge brown wall coming towards us. We had just gotten done playing in the water slide so when I saw it coming I quickly unplugged it and unhooked it from the blower ran that part up on the porch and ran inside! The kiddos and I stood by my back door and watched the destruction begin. Ryder became hysterical fairly quickly when he saw his favorite toys being destroyed right before his eyes. So what does a mother do? Grab your camera of course to catch the action. Poor guy he was so upset. He said "mama tell it to stop" I really felt so bad because mama can take on a lot but Im pretty sure mother nature would have won that one lol!
The picture above is our water slide hooked onto a pillar on our porch... Thank goodness it came that way or it would have been history. BTW that thing is not light not light at all and it got drug like a piece of paper, whoa!

Going.... Going...GONE!!!
The trampoline was hard to watch. We had just got it for christmas and the kids loved it! It's been a little too hot to jump but nothing a little sprinklers couldn't handle. When it first started to fall apart I ran outside you know like I was going to save it and then I envisioned myself tumbling across our 2 acres and I decided to pull my head out and realize it was going bye bye WITHOUT me haha! My house during that was quite hysterical... funny and sad. Ryan wasn't home from work yet so it was me, my crying kids and my camera lol! I really felt bad but I had to catch the action I could not believe it.

This is the aftermath look at the back fence, it was getting dark by now so its a little hard to see but stuff was everywhere I will admit it was a little scary. We have also decided that we will have to bury our next trampoline. Even if we pipe glued the pieces the enclosure will never be able to handle the monsoons. We have a couple neighbors who have had the same thing happen to them so I think burying it is our only option. Ahhh so fun! There were also countless trees down around us in the surrounding neighborhood. Also lots of roof tiles came up on several 2 story homes across the street from us. I really have never seen anything like this and I have lived here my whole life :)

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