Monday, May 4, 2009


Ryder is COMPLETELY obsessed with dogs! He loves them so much mostly all dogs he's not too picky. Our neighbors have 3 golden retrievers and on a daily basis it is not rare to see oakey running the fence line back n forth, back n forth. There is actually a worn out dirt path from doing this SOOO much! Just recently well I'd say a few months ago another dog appeared there and ever since ryder has been obsessed with this "new" dog. I was able to read his collar and his name is "Toby". We go outside daily so he can talk to this dog and yes! He actually tries to talk to him. It really is so cute!!! The picture above is ryder at the fence yelling "Tooooobbbbyy!"He hasn't come to the fence yet, so ryder asks his sissy... "hey sissy, where is toby?". Helmet head (haha) responds clueless, "i naknow wydo"
There he is!!!!! So excited Ryder kneels down and immediately starts talking to him about his family and all sorts of other things like what he is doing. Oh and the best part was that it was apparently toby's birthday, which is weird because toby was just a little puppy a few months ago haha. The other funny part was that it was toby's birthday for 3 days in a row.... now thats the kinda birthday I want. He even thought toby needed a cake bahaha!

This is my little man. Sooo him! The hand gestures and all. He is a very animated little boy he is so funny! He was really in to his conversation with this, no offense but not so cute dog!

"um whewe is he goin mama?" Ryder doesn't quite get the fact that it is a one way conversation and that toby is more interested in oakey but that's okay he is amused until of course he walks away!!!

1 comment:

  1. I will cut a hole the diaper off and put my penis in her viginia
