Monday, June 22, 2009

Kinda random...

Well we came home from our Fathers Day to a whopping 12 hrs of irrigation which was only supposed to be 1:15min... Ya! So needless to say we had some SERIOUS WATER!!! It looks like a lake and it will be sitting in our yard for probably mmm 2 weeks! Sweet! Hello West Nile! Ha. So we were out figuring out what to do since we had a foot of standing water and it was still coming so we had our neighbors come open their ports and take some more water. While we were out the frogs were going CRAZY!!! It was so funny they were everywhere, Ryder loved it! I was able to get a picture of this frog in action, I thought it was pretty cool! That is one of the benefits of living out in the "country" I guess you get to see some really cool things.
We found tadpoles earlier in the day when the irrigation first started flowing, I was so excited that I had to catch some so the kids could watch them grow into frogs. I loved doing that when I was little. Ryder thought they were so cool too. He has no fear when it comes to touching things like this... I guess that is good and bad.
This was Paisleys bday night and Camrin had brought over her worms to show the kids. This girl cracks me up! She was very particular with these worms, how you held them and who... These are her pets, ha! Well that is until the kids decided that they should put these worms in a bucket of water and make them go to sleep..... FOREVER! ha
It was hard for her to share these precious pets but she did, then she would take them back for some reason and they were always really funny like the worm was mean haha. I love that girl she is so hilarious her personality just makes me laugh...
Thanks Cam for sharing your worms the kids loved them... I think they are still sleeping in the bucket. Ryder enjoyed them so much we had to go by our own $2.00 bucket of worms and they too are sleeping already, wow! Tired little fellers haha.
Now this is sharing, ha. He didn't even care that there was a worm on his back... not at all yuck~!
These four kids are best little buddies. They love each other. Ryder and Paisley get SO excited anytime they get to play with their friends. It really is sweet!
Just thought this picture was so cute of these two..
P discovered the rhino and she loved it, so did Ryder. Finally! One of our kids showed some interest in that thing. She was making me laugh how serious she was. Her and Ryder rode it for probably an hour yesterday while we were getting irrigation.
She thought she was pretty cool riding though the water before it became a foot high of course.
My random little girl! Haha she makes me laugh, she came in from the rhino looking like this, my little ragamuffin. I love it!

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