Thursday, January 20, 2011

over the edge...

Before I had Harper I cant tell you how many people told me that 3 kids put them over the edge! Your out numbered and it is just sooo hard they would say, my thoughts..." uhoh". Throughout my pregnancy I would try and prepare myself but the truth of the matter is there is no preparing yourself until you are just thrown into it. I remember finding out I was pregnant with Paisley when Ryder was 6 months old and thinking holy crap! I remember thinking how can I love someone else as much as I love him? But it wasn't until she came that I was able to fully adjust and settle into our little routine. Yes, I did love her, more than anything!!! haha
I had these same thoughts with Harper but this time I felt as though I already had my hands full and I did wonder oh boy how am I going to do this? Also hearing how hard 3 kids are over and over again didn't help! Now here I am with my 3 babies and I can honestly say it has been amazing! Sure there are times where there is complete chaos, ones whining, one wants something, and one is crying hysterical bc they're hungry and I am frantically trying to make it all better. I eventually do and everything gets fixed;-). It has been a pretty easy transition for me. Very enjoyable! I have LOOVED having this little girl around and her snuggles are amazingly sweet! Its funny how Harper coming into our family has made me feel so complete even though at one time I never knew she was missing. I am truly soaking up her newborn goodness as this is my last! For sure! Ryan has been officially neutered LOL! Everyday I look at my life and realize how blessed I truly am.. I do. At some point during my day I think this thought. As cheesy as this sounds Im serious and this is why..............

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jules,
    Thanks for the sweet comment about my little guy. He's just about to walk and it's the cutest thing. I love the photos of H and she is such a doll. What a blessing! I would love to see you guys and meet baby girl. Let's set up a playdate. I will call you and we can plan something soon.
