Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I'm pretty sure that the ripe ole age of four is going to be a hilarious year!!! Ryder has maybe said the funniest things in the last month. Ryan and I just laugh at him daily with some of his random things he says. For instance today he just told me this story...
Ryder: Ok mom here's the deal... Mom?
Me: Yes Ryder I'm listening
Ryder: Okay mom so here's the deal... Im going to make my friend list on who is going to come over this days and if they say naughty words and dont talk nice then they cant come over..
Me: uh (laughing of course) ok
Ryder: mamba (aka mama)? dont you think that's a good idea?
Me: Fabulous Idea babe... Fabulous
Another funny one he told me the other day was about a kid at school.
He said mamba (I dont know why there's a b in there but there is) guess what?
Me: what bud?
Ryder: Jarom went to the ocean with his dad and he said that they were just playing in the ocean and that there were lots of big waves and then all of the sudden they saw a crab... jarom said that if you see one it will sting you and then you will dive...
Me: um what was the last part?
Ryder: that you will dive!
Me: Do you know what "dive" means?
Ryder: Ya it means you will dive
Me: oh boy... didn't wanna open that can of worms so I said honey you will not "dive" if you if a crab stings you hahaha! BTW crabs dont sting they pinch:)
That is just a couple of the random conversations we have... He really is cracking me up!
He has just become such a little boy instead of a toddler. It makes me sad but it is so fun at the same time. He can definitely push my buttons with his one track mind he can have sometimes lets just say that Im so glad Christmas and his birthday are done with for the year. He gets sooo worked up about presents he can hardly stand it neither can I! He truly becomes obsessed. Thank goodness my little boy came back to me haha! Anyway I wanted to document a couple of his funny things he has said recently I really need to do better writing these things down!
On a little Paisley note... she is doing fabulous too! She says some funny things everyday as well. The amazing part about the age of 2 is what little sponges they truly are! She learns and talks more and does cute new little things everyday! It really is so much fun being a mom I cant imagine my life without these 2 little bundles of joy. It is so much work and your patience can be worn down to almost nothing but every ounce of every frustration is SOOO worth it when you look at those sweet faces! Im soooo grateful for these two babies!!!!

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