Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2 months!!!

This sweet baby girl is 2 months old! As usual time has flown by! We have enjoyed this lil miss sooo very much. She started smiling around 6 weeks and I cant get enough of them! Ohhhh I could eat her up when she smiles at me... She has been a little on the high maintenance side haha! Little girl can be fussy... a lot! Not so much during the day but more so in the late afternoon. She is getting better and we are developing more of a routine which is great! Somehow I have the patience of a saint with her. I mean way more than I do with my other 2, probably because I know they know better;-) and she just wants to be held... fine by me! Around dinner time I just put her in the baby bjorn or a wrap so I can get something done. As I mentioned in a previous post we have battled yucky acid reflux and pooping issues but I will say this.. since going to the chiropractor she poops everyday! Wahoo! She's still a spitter but it doesn't seem to be as painful... So whether it be coincidence or what I will take it!

Now I dont wanna brag but she definitely loves her mama most... I dont blame her lol!

I have yet to take her to her 2 month appt so I dont know her stats but she is growing and changing a lot. Its fun watching her little personality start to peek out. I am more than likely doing an alternative vaccination schedule. She will still get all of her shots just not bombard her little body with so many at one time. I did the same with paisley actually I just delayed them like her 12 mos at her 15 mos and so on. Soo I hate shots and I am not looking foward to next week... yuck! Poor baby:-(

Happy 2 month birthday Harper Gracie! We love you sweet girl...

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