Sunday, January 16, 2011

My girly!

As usual Im way behind on my blog posts;-) Anyway here is our precious little Harper Grace! Love this little lassy. She is 6 weeks old and sweet as pie. We've had some minor issues but we are working our way through them. One being a severe case of "baby acne" or so they thought. It ended up getting far worse and was horrible to look at and Im sure it didnt feel great either, poor baby. We ended up going to the dr ( for the zillionth time) and they took one look and said Yikes! I thought maybe she had a milk allergy so they put her on Alimentum formula plus I am nursing so I had to cut dairy out they also prescribed an ointment because they worried about infection and it cleared it up significantly in about 5 days. It was pretty bad! I probably wiped it down so much that it made it worse:-( Then we've also battled some pretty bad acid reflux which was also reason for the new formula. She is a spitter... brutal! It hurts her I feel so bad. We tried that for awhile and she didn't seem to be improving too much so they prescribed zantac:-( freaked me out even though from all my research its been proven safe. I did it for 1 day and she was so lethargic seriously out of it that I stopped. To top it off she went from pooping 5 x a day to every 3 days and is extremely gassy:-( Our next venture has been the good ole chiropractor. I've heard some great things about reflux and pooping issues etc... We went last week and that night she went to the bathroom we did a follow up 2 days later and she went again. TMI? probably ha! Like you want to know my babes pooping sched ha! Im documenting! I have been hopeful so far. So we will wait and see. She has been doing pretty good lately. She has a fussy time in the evenings and likes a little more snuggle which is fine by me. I love this little girl and she has been so fun to have around. We have all adjusted very well.
I caught the end of her smile and thought it was super cute of course~

My little blondie blue eyed girl... so fun to have one of each!

I love these two girlys! Paisley absolutely adores her sister it is sweet and sometime frustrating but she is so helpful and loving towards her. P has definitely been more trying with me fo sho though! She's good she definitely knows how to push my buttons! I try hard to keep my patience with her bless her lil heart! She truly is like a teeny bopper, im pretty sure she thinks like one ha!

We went pig/archery deer hunting last weekend it was cold and a cluster. Ryder loved going off with Daddy and Uncle matt while us girls stayed back and hung out. We planned on hiking but it wasn't the best terrain for a new born and 3 year old...
Ryder had to go haha! A boys gotta do what a boys gotta do lol! True hillbilly at heart gotta love it!
Looking for collared peckery of course aka Javelina lol! He adores his uncle matt he told me he's one of his best friends.. awww!

Sweet little things!
My boys in their camo.. I made them try it on haha. Then they hid my the christmas tree to see if I could see them lol. Isn't this what you do as a family? haha! We had a busy but wonderful christmas and I am SOOOO blessed! I truly love my little family and life. I couldn't be a luckier girl!

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