Thursday, July 16, 2009

road trip potty break!

Ahhh the joys of having a girl :) These pictures make me laugh! Well miss P has been potty training for awhile now. She decided a couple months before her second birthday that she was ready... Long before me :) ha. I said "are you sure" diapers are just fine ha! I will say that things are MUCH different than with ryder he was maybe the easiest kid on the planet to potty train, and you could pull over anywhere and let him pee on a tree. Not with girls. I found this awesome potty at babies r us. The purple legs f0ld in so when your done it is the size of a disk. So awesome! Another cool part is that you can hook a plastic bag to it if needed maybe for good ole #2:)These pictures are too funny. I am happy I have them to remember these funny times in our lives when road trips consist of pulling over more than driving... I know I will miss this.

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