Monday, June 29, 2009

quick trip

This weekend we snuck away for a couple days to pinetop and stayed with some friends in their cabin. Even though it was a quick trip it was so nice to get out of this heat and enjoy some nice, cool fresh air.
Here's what Ryder thought of the fish that the guys caught. He was hilarious! He went right up to it and checked it out. After that we headed out and he just kept saying that he didn't want to go home, he wanted to go fishin' it was pretty cute!
As you can see miss P had no issues with this fish, she went right up to it and wanted to hold it and then she gave it a kiss. She makes me laugh!

We went to a park nearby the cabin and it was really neat. It had a decent size playground area and a lake that the kids really enjoyed going to.

Ryder and one of his little bff's. Aren't they so cute?! I just thought that I would add to her mom and I's list of engagement photos haha. I'm kinda not kidding though :)
Paisley absolutely adores her little friends. If I mention their names it is a full blown celebration with little hops and squeals. I really love that she and Ryder love them so much. They all are so cute with each other.
Ryder apparently needed a little rest from playing so hard ha. This was like 20min into our little trip, so stinkin cute.

C and one of her beloved "pets" we found. She was of course so happy about this little bug. The best part was watching her mom try and keep it on this stick. It eventually flew away.... I dont blame it:)

This was the lake we walked down to. There were SO many ducks. A nice man gave us some of his bread and the kids had fun doing that for awhile. Look how nicely my little babies are sharing :) ha. I had to get a picture of this for obvious reasons. ha.

I thought this was so cute. This squirrel hopped on to this feeder and was just swinging back and forth eating. I know this is random but I had to get a picture of it. We call every squirrel Mcsquizzy from the movie Open Season. So that was his name :)
For the most part we had a great weekend. P was a little on the grouchy side. She was a little more whiney than usual. I know she is getting her 2 year molars but even with that she seemed a little more on edge. Hmmm who knows...
On a random note I have started sassy boot camp:) ha. My little princess is being extra sassy lately so I am trying to get on top of it now so it doesn't get too out of control. I think my biggest fear is to have "those" kids that no one wants to be around. I dont have that problem now and I NEVER want it!!! I will get it under control, I will! I think the terrible 2's are here... they didnt even knock they just came in haha! uggh!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Kinda random...

Well we came home from our Fathers Day to a whopping 12 hrs of irrigation which was only supposed to be 1:15min... Ya! So needless to say we had some SERIOUS WATER!!! It looks like a lake and it will be sitting in our yard for probably mmm 2 weeks! Sweet! Hello West Nile! Ha. So we were out figuring out what to do since we had a foot of standing water and it was still coming so we had our neighbors come open their ports and take some more water. While we were out the frogs were going CRAZY!!! It was so funny they were everywhere, Ryder loved it! I was able to get a picture of this frog in action, I thought it was pretty cool! That is one of the benefits of living out in the "country" I guess you get to see some really cool things.
We found tadpoles earlier in the day when the irrigation first started flowing, I was so excited that I had to catch some so the kids could watch them grow into frogs. I loved doing that when I was little. Ryder thought they were so cool too. He has no fear when it comes to touching things like this... I guess that is good and bad.
This was Paisleys bday night and Camrin had brought over her worms to show the kids. This girl cracks me up! She was very particular with these worms, how you held them and who... These are her pets, ha! Well that is until the kids decided that they should put these worms in a bucket of water and make them go to sleep..... FOREVER! ha
It was hard for her to share these precious pets but she did, then she would take them back for some reason and they were always really funny like the worm was mean haha. I love that girl she is so hilarious her personality just makes me laugh...
Thanks Cam for sharing your worms the kids loved them... I think they are still sleeping in the bucket. Ryder enjoyed them so much we had to go by our own $2.00 bucket of worms and they too are sleeping already, wow! Tired little fellers haha.
Now this is sharing, ha. He didn't even care that there was a worm on his back... not at all yuck~!
These four kids are best little buddies. They love each other. Ryder and Paisley get SO excited anytime they get to play with their friends. It really is sweet!
Just thought this picture was so cute of these two..
P discovered the rhino and she loved it, so did Ryder. Finally! One of our kids showed some interest in that thing. She was making me laugh how serious she was. Her and Ryder rode it for probably an hour yesterday while we were getting irrigation.
She thought she was pretty cool riding though the water before it became a foot high of course.
My random little girl! Haha she makes me laugh, she came in from the rhino looking like this, my little ragamuffin. I love it!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Look who's 2...

My baby turned 2 :-( I cant believe it! She is such a sweet little girl. Sassy but sweet. We had a very fun filled day. We woke up she got her presents, we went to ryder's swim and then to San Tan Mall to play at the splash pad and go to the puppy store. Oh and Mimi took them to build a bear and P picked the cutest sheep ever to make she likes to ride with it in the car, it's cute.
Yes I look haggard and Ryder's not paying attention to the camera (standard) but here is our random family pic ha.
Sweet little P playing with her new kitchen, she loved it and she got all sorts of new foods that look so real!
This little girl LOVES shoes it is too funny! Like she really is obsessed. Mimi got her a box of these shoes and she thought she hit the jackpot. She was so excited you couldnt open the box up fast enough!!!
Dead serious here! Walking out into the backyard with heels, ha I love it!

Waiting for her party to start...
So generous, she is sharing her food with oakey, she made it herself... He almost fell for it

Fake makeup, what a hit. The best part is it doesn't make a mess woohoo!

Grillin a burger!

This little kitchen is so cute. It came with a little grill and everything
P is giving me a pedi.... Sweet!

saying goodbye :( WARNING: Long post

I am sad to say this but my sweet grandma passed away on friday June 12th. She would have been 102 on August 13th this year. Ever since her last birthday she had started going down hill. I know I recently wrote about her in another post so I may repeat myself some.... She was one amazing woman whom we will all miss SO very much! It was really crazy how fast this sweet fragile woman took a turn for the worst. I knew on the Saturday before her passing that she was not doing well so on Sunday me and the troops headed over for a visit. She was pretty out of it and could hardly talk. She was weak and tired. I rubbed her back and stroked her hair (that is what she loved). We stayed fairly late and then headed back first thing in the morning she was even worse. I sat there with her along with my mom and sister all day long. She was on hospice and the nurses came and told us that they thought this was "it". We were so sad yet we knew that this was the best for her. Tuesday rolled around, same thing I came over and we sat with her, doting on her. She was on morphine every 3 hours, mind you my grandma died of natural causes just old age. But with her body shutting down we were told there is some pain and she showed that a few times so we wanted to keep her as comfortable as possible and I think we did a good job of that. Her breathing had changed as well she was amazingly taking a breath from the point of exhale on average ever 45 seconds it was absolutely unbelievable. We would just sit there in awe at how this fragile 70lb woman was still alive. Some of her breaths went as long as 85 seconds,what?! Wednesday, same thing... The nurse came checked her vitals and she had gotten even worse her blood pressure was super low and her heartbeat was now irregular. We waited.... and waited it was the worst thing ever. Thursay (my 30th b-day) we were over bright and early again she was even worse. I thought for sure she was going to go on my birthday but she fought a little longer, she was bad really bad. The nurses were amazed with her, they had said that they see breathing last like that for maybe a few hours not a few days. I go home later that night just waiting by the phone we knew this was it. I got no call... My brother had slept on the floor of her room, my mom and sister were in her bed until 3am. The next morning their neighbor had stopped by to bring my parents some dinner they were gone a few minutes, my mom went back in to check on her and she was gone :( I got the phone call and went there right away. She died at 9:50am. It was such a bittersweet feeling we were SO SAD because this wasn't a normal grandma this was in a sense our other mom, she has always lived with us and she is all we know. We loved that woman more than anything! On the other hand I was happy to see her go and be with her family and friends that have gone before her and she loved and missed. There is no doubt she is in a far better place reading her books, taking her walks and doing all of the things she loves. I feel like no matter what I write it will never do justice for this unbelievable woman.
We are very sad. We all understand that she was 101 and she lived a great life but it is still a HUGE loss for us. Mom you did an amazing job taking care of your mommy, you should be proud you did what many wouldn't think twice about. You put your life on hold to be able to fully take care of grandma and that is admirable. I know it came with many sacrifices and that there were times when you wanted to give up and you didn't. I'm so happy that you were able to have your mom for so long and that you have such great memories of her. We all do. I'm also excited for you to get your life back and have some fun. That is what grandma would want you to do too.
Although it is such a hard loss I am really trying to focus on the good. I have to. The only sad is that we dont have her anymore but the good out weighs the bad.
Grandma aka YAYA, we love you more than anything! Heaven just got a little better when you arrived. We miss you and we will never ever forget you. I am so thankful that my kids had the privelage of meeting you. They loved you . Thank you Yaya for being the best grandma we could ever ask for you will be forever missed.
MWAH, jules

Ahhh the good life!...

Mud! Ryders most favorite thing next to me.... ha! Well we are building a pad for the extension of our playground area and boy do we have a mess!!! Im in Hell with all the dirt and mud and he is in heaven :-) he cracks me up! I knew once we put the water on it to compact it, it would be game on. He was fired up! It was making me laugh how he was just hanging out in it like it was some luxurious pool, sick!

It really was the mother of all mother mud pits it was huge, ginormous, large.
I will say this... I cannot wait until my backyard is D O N E! I will be sooooo happy! It has been 3 years with no landscaping in my backyard and yes that is what my husband does for a living haha. Good luck to me!!! :)