Monday, May 4, 2009

My pooooor baby.... :(

See this sweet face? Well today we had her first ISR swim lesson of the year it is a survival swim program that I put my kids in. Anyway, the 1st weeks are always hard. Full of unfamiliar things, like environment, people, water ya know. So, of course she cried pretty hard. She was pretty exhausted afterward. After swim I had told the kids that we could go see mimi's new puppy bella. Seriously the sweetest, cutest little one pound puppy you have ever seen! Now, you see this poor eye? The one that looks like she was punched :( Well, I can assure you she wasn't. Here's the story... When we got to my mom's we played with bella for a little bit and then since she is a baby we had to take her outside to go potty. We NEVER go in my moms backyard because of the pool but today we decided that it would be fine for 5 minutes and plus I was obviously watching them. Ryder had spotted some old bird houses that my mom had on her back porch so he wanted one to carry around well that of course meant that Paisley had to have one. No biggie. My mom had grabbed one and looked inside and said oh my gosh Julie look at this it was filled with honey combs and dead wasps. Well when I was looking in it one had flown out of another house (i didn't know it) and I heard Paisley scream and then I saw a wasp fly away! My heart SANK!!! I totally freaked out because I am TOTALLY allergic to bees so for obvious reasons I was worried about her. I grabbed her and looked at her and saw the little red dot right at the very bottom of her eyebrow! I really started freaking out because it was on her face and pretty much all sorts of things were running through my head. I immediately called poison control and they said to put a cold compress (not ice) on it, give her tylenol or motrin and just really watch her for any allergic reaction, breathing, lips blue, etc... So I did all of those things and bless her heart you could tell it hurt SO bad :( I held her for awhile and she fell asleep which I was nervous about but it was on me so I was able to really watch her so that was good. When she woke up from her nap it looked really bad, like swollen shut :( and then it slowly has gotten SO much better. These pictures are so much better than the ones I took on my cell phone. Poor baby I felt so bad for her. I HATE wasps, bees, most insects. My moms house is a breeding ground for wasps I swear. Every summer when we go swimming we get bombarded! Papas outta town right now but when he finds out his little pride and joy princess got attacked they are going down to china town! Go papa GO!!!!!

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