Thursday, April 9, 2009

ummm not so much!!!

So my girlfriend and I got a wild hair to take our kids to go see the easter bunny. I didn't think that it was a bad idea since Ryder was a little confused on who the easter bunny was. I thought that maybe I should clarify what the furry little creature looks like and that it indeed is not the "bug man" haha.
The one brave soul. Good work C-dog. This little girl cracks me up she is hilarious with the CUTEST personality. I cant be around her without completely cracking up. She is so animated but pretty serious at the same time and she says the cutest stuff, I just love her. She is a very outgoing little girl so I am not surprised that she muscled up and gave the easter bunny a little love.

I thought the easter bunny looked a little sad in this picture and I had to laugh because there were our 4 kids pretty much not wanting anything to do with this guy and he just sat there like "Oh well" what a job, dealing with freaked out obnoxiously crying children for HOURS (atleast mine were). Thanks Mr. Easter bunny maybe next year!

Ryder was extra tired this day so he definitely was not in the mood. I think he was figuring that if he didn't look at him then he wouldn't have to go see him. Paisley was more like "you just stay where you're at Mr. Easter bunny" So all in all our April 2009 easter bunny trip was a BUST but hey atleast Ryder now knows he's not our sweet little bug man.

1 comment:

  1. okay...are those kids just not the cutest...shy or not? you forgot to include that blurry picture of cash running past the bunny, in sheer terror, to get to her JuJu!!!
    will our kids need therapy from this giant stuffed animals?;)
