Monday, March 2, 2009

Ain't no thing like a chicken wing

I can be a pretty nervous nelly with certain things when it comes to my kiddos. First Im a complete germafobe! If your kids are sick or have even been sick within the last week stay far away. When I get a shopping cart I wipe it down with my clorox wipes that I keep in my car at all times (and i dont care what people think ha). There are many more random hangups I have that I wont go into (like choking on food). So when paisley decided she wanted a chicken wing I was a nervous wreck that she was going to choke but she was so proud that she was in control of this wing, she loved it! I was right by her making sure she didn't choke and then I eventually took it because I couldn't handle it anymore. I love her face in this picture she makes my heart go pitter patter she is precious!
Think she likes it?

I liked how her foot was kicked up in this one...

Random post I know but I loved her in some of these pictures her facial expressions crack me up. This little girl melts my heart!

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